The Benefits Of Skin LASER THERAPY

Laser therapy is a safe, pain free treatment that only takes a few minutes per visit.
This type of therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and there are no side effects.
In addition, it can often achieve results faster and better than other treatments.
Clinical Benefits Of Laser Therapy
1. Anti-Inflammation:
Laser therapy has an anti-edemic effect as it causes vasodilation, but also because it activates the lymphatic drainage system (drains swollen areas).
As a result, there is a reduction in swelling caused by bruising or inflammation.
2. Anti-Pain (Analgesic):
Laser therapy has a high beneficial effect on nerve cells which block pain transmitted by these cells to the brain and which decreases nerve sensitivity.
Also, due to less inflammation, there is less edema and less pain.
3. Accelerated Tissue Repair And Cell Growth:
Photons of light from lasers penetrate deeply into tissue and accelerate cellular reproduction and growth.
The laser light increases the energy available to the cell so that the cell can take on nutrients faster and get rid of waste products.
4. Improved Vascular Activity:
Laser light will significantly increase the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue that speeds up the healing process, closes wounds quickly and reduces scar tissue.
5. Increased Metabolic Activity:
Laser therapy creates higher outputs of specific enzymes, greater oxygen and food particle loads for blood cells.

How to Deal With Facial WARTS

Warts on face are a serious cosmetic defect that significantly lowers your self-esteem. Reflection in the mirror bothers you and makes you avoid communication with other people. Moreover, these formations have a tendency to grow. And you ask yourself – how to get rid of warts on face in the most secure way? Scars after treatment are, of course, unacceptable.
Home remedies against facial warts.
Lets’ consider the face wart removal methods that you can use at home. First you need to remove all external irritants.
Wash yourself only with liquid soap for delicate skin, limit shaving and body rubbing with a hard sponge or a towel, so you eliminate inflammation.
There is a misconception that if you wipe the damaged area with alcohol or an alcohol tincture, it will remove warts from face. This is wrong, because dry skin is more vulnerable to infection, so do not use alcohol tonics and lotions.
Popular methods of treatment for facial warts are generally safe. Of course, not every recipe has a high efficiency, but they won’t leave scars. Before you start removing facial warts, it is necessary to check the sensitivity of the skin to the components of the means you chose to find out if there are any allergies. Only then apply the wart remover. So, how to remove warts on face?
The easiest and most effective solution is based on natural disinfectors: onions and garlic. Husk an onion, fine grate it and do the same with garlic. You need half a bulb of onion and about 3 average cloves of garlic. Grate and mix the vegetables, put on the wart, fix the bandage, hold up to 40 minutes, repeat 4-5 times a day for greater effect. The recipe becomes even more efficient if you add a teaspoon of vinegar to it. Warning: this recipe will not work for very sensitive skin, neither for a wart on eyelid as you can accidentally put some of the mask into your eye and it cause severe irritation and even a burn. However, for other parts of the face, for example, a wart on nose, this recipe is very suitable.
Finely chop the leaves of aloe and apply the resulting puree on a plaster or gauze, then secure the bandage on the affected area. It is advisable to make the mask for the night and to remove it in the morning or to replace with a new one. Repeat as necessary.
Salicylic acid. Dampen a cotton swab or ball in the acid and attach it to the damaged area.
Small brown flat warts on face can be smeared with apple juice. Every day, several times apply to your face juice of green sour apples, and after 10 times small growths will disappear.
Also, small warts can be easily cauterized with wormwood or celandine juice. These plants are very poisonous, so be careful and avoid contact with eyes. It is best to use fresh juice, so this solution is yours if you have those plants growing nearby. Crack a stem of wormwood or celandine, get the juice, and apply it to the growth. In the same manner you can also use ashberry or calendula juice.
Wart rash can be cured with simple sea salt and horseradish juice. Mix a teaspoon of salt with two tablespoons of fresh horseradish juice and rub into the affected area for 5 minutes, leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with cold water and repeat 2 times a day. Instead of salt can be used chalk.
You can reduce subcutaneous or chronic facial warts by means of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cotton swab and apply it on the face. Hold for 1-3 hours, and repeate 2 times a day.
It is easy to remove warts at home using just a potato. Grate one together with its peel (of course after having washed it). Apply the mash on your face and leave to dry. If you mix potatoes and hydrogen peroxide, you remove senile warts on the body, neck and face can once and for all.
Very unpleasant phenomenon is a wart on eyelid or in the nose, to cure it you can use aloe juice, goat fat, beet and horseradish juice. Put any of the selected means on a cotton swab and insert into your nostril or on your eyelid, hold about 20 minutes for 3-4 times a day.
Soften the wart. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in hot water and apply to the damaged area, do it several times. Rub the softened wart with ammonia spirit.
Apply to the defect lemon essential oil and cover with plaster. Every three hours repeat the procedure.
If the home remedies for warts on face do not help, you need to contact a doctor or a specialized beauty salon.
Before treatment with folk remedies you need to consult with an immunologist. Infectious warts are removed much faster with medicines. For example, often doctors prescribe ointments that treat candidiasis (they effectively fight fungi and bacteria that cause papilloma).
Professional means to get rid of warts on face
Usually the following types of warts form on face:
Common wart, or Verruca vulgaris; it is a dense rounded growth, a little elevated above the skin, having a papillary surface and flesh, gray or light brown color; rarely found on the face, usually in the area of the lips.
Flat wart, or Verruca plana; it has a smooth surface and a light-brown or pink color; they are always multiple; often affect children and adolescents.
Filiform warts; it has the shape of ridge of length of one to four millimeters; vulnerably to injury.
How to treat common warts on face?
The basic treatment method is warts removing with liquid nitrogen, another means is laser.
Treatment of flat warts on face
Self-removal is forbidden. The main conventional removal methods:
liquid nitrogen;
How to remove filiform warts on face?
Due to the high probability of injury, self-removal is forbidden. Basic solutions:
cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen;
radio wave therapy;
photodynamic therapy;
Prevention of warts
Any specific treatment can have implications. These may be irritation, inflammation or swelling at the treatment site. Do not worry, in most cases, all traces will disappear on the third day. But in order to avoid disease recurrence, you need to follow such guidelines:
Hygiene should be regular.
Never scratch small wounds, pimples, moles and papillomas.
Regularly visit a dermatologist. The doctor will help identify the initial symptoms and prevent the spread of the virus.
Nutrition plays a huge value. Use vitamins, it is especially important for girls and women, they often suffer from the most terrible – common warts, which not only look terrible, but also cause a lot of discomfort.
Warts on the face are a serious problem, getting rid of them is difficult. But if you carefully follow all the recommendations of doctors and take care of yourself – you will succeed.


1. A Skin Healing Mask
Aloe vera is wonderful for not only healing acne scars but also for moisturizing the skin and keeping it youthful. It’s easy to make a healing facemask with nothing more than the gel of 1-2 aloe vera leaf halves. Mix this with some essential oil if you like for a nice scent (mint, thieves, and lavender are nice) or simply use it plain. Apply for 30 minutes and let it sit. It’s mild in scent on its own and has a particularly wonderful cooling feel.
2. A Sunburn Healing Gel
As many people know, aloe vera is wonderful for helping with sunburn. You’ve likely seen those sunburn gels at drugstores with aloe vera, but the better option that will provide many less chemicals is to just use real aloe leaf. It can help reduce redness and pain associated with sunburn fairly quickly and can be applied liberally as much as needed. You can apply the gel plain or can mix it with a carrier oil, such as coconut and hemp, for extra moisturizing and healing benefits.
3. Minor Skin Burns
This is the reason my grandmother always kept aloe on hand. Apparently she knew that her 12 grandchildren would have a few burns here and there. She was also a cook and liked to use it around if she touched a hot stove every now and then. I remember her always using aloe on our burns as children and though we thought she was weird, it always worked quickly. Aloe vera’s moisturizing and healing benefits transcend into the skin to reduce inflammation and aid in repair of the skin fairly quickly. To use it on a burn, apply just enough to coat the burn and cover with a bandage so it can do its job. Leave overnight and it should be better in the morning. The pain goes away almost immediately upon application, however.
4. Cuts and Wounds
The gel of the aloe vera plant contains polysacharride fibers, which is essentially why it’s used as a digestive aid (but that also makes it problematic for some people). These fibers also help to seal wounds and it’s natural cooling properties help soothe pain from cuts and wounds. Apply aloe to minor skin cuts and wounds after you’ve cleansed the area with a warm cloth and some peroxide (yes, that part stings). Then seal it up with a bandage and let it sit to heal overnight or for a day.
5. Itching or Skin Irritation
Psoriasis and skin irritation can both be a pain to deal with (literally) and can also be hard to manage. Many prescription creams and over the counter creams don’t work, and those that do often contain excess chemicals that are not best for our skins to absorb (parabens are common ingredient in these creams). Aloe is one of the best to relieve itching and irritation because it contains glycoproteins which help reduce inflammation upon contact.

How To Get Rid Of WRINKLES

1. Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy living is highly recommended for everyone. Try to get used to living a healthy life so that your wrinkles can be minimized and eliminated. A balanced diet is the key to make your skin look healthy and fresh. Vitamin A, C, E and K, also helps make skin glow.
2. Stop Smoking
It's been proven that smoking is hazardous to health for both active smokers and passive smokers. Do not miss apparently wrinkles can also be caused by smoking activity. Avoid environments that are susceptible to smoke a cigarette.
3. Getting Enough Sleep
Quality sleep is when the evening. This can reduce the wrinkles on your face!
4. Avoid Stress
Stress is very harmful, and of course can lead to the emergence of wrinkles. Avoid stress wrinkles on your face that does not appear or can be eliminated.
5. Use Sunscreen.
Sunlight is the number one cause of wrinkles. If you had to travel under the sun, do not forget to use sunscreen cream, in addition to reducing wrinkles will also avoid skin cancer.
6. Sleep on their Backs.
If you sleep on his side, it will cause wrinkles in the cheeks and chin. Traces wrinkles may not disappear, and will eventually make the impression of permanent wrinkles on the face.
7. Expand eat Fish, especially Salmon.
Consumption of fish that contain high protein and omega-3 will help to nourish the skin and keep it supple and youthful, and of course, help reduce wrinkles.
8. Expand eat Soybeans.
Research so far has shown that soy helps protect or hinder dangers of the sun. Supplements are made ​​from soy beans can also improve skin structure and strength after usage for six months.
9. Cocoa or Dark Chocolate
Consumption of cocoa or dark chocolate will also protect the skin from the dangers of the sun, increasing the circulation of the skin cells, affected hydration, and make the skin look and feel smoother.
10. Expand eat Fruits and Vegetables
fruit and vegetables are antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the effects of free radicals, making the skin look fresh and radiant, and protects against some effects of sunlight.
11. Do not wash your face too often.
According to the dermatologist, wash your face too often will remove the natural moisture and oils that protect the skin from wrinkling.
13. Alpha-hydroxy Acids (AHA).
These natural substances will elevate the surface of dead skin cells, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly in the eye area, and helps stimulate the production of collagen.
14. Retinoids (including Retin A).
Tretinoin or commonly known as Retin A is a natural form of vitamin A that was used to solve the problem of wrinkles.
15. Vitamin C
Consumption of vitamin C can increase collagen production, protect from dangers of UVA and UVB rays, to overcome the problem of pigmentation, and improve the condition of damaged skin.

Home Treatment For Hairs

Here we’ve mentioned a few home treatments that  women and men have relied on. Give these ancient secrets a shot yourselves!
Make a paste of henna, curd, soaked and ground fenugreek, ground hibiscus flowers, ground gooseberries, and egg (all of them or any one) and apply it onto the hair and scalp for about an hour before shampooing. Done regularly, this will make your hair stronger and better-looking. But remember that henna is suitable only for dark colored hair because it tints hair red.
Wash the hair out with decoction of tea or a bit of lemon squeezed into the water in which you will bathe. (for dandruff).
Apply coconut or almond oil. If doing this daily does not appeal to you, apply the oil on the scalp overnight before shampooing, or apply a drop to the top of your head before you comb out your hair.

Get Rid Of Dark Eye Circles

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles With Rose Water

Rose water is incredible ingredient for skin care. It has a soothing effect on tired eyes and rejuvenates the skin It also works as a good skin toner Due to its mild astringent properties, 
  1. Soak cotton eye pad in pure rose water for a few minutes.
  2. Put the soaked pad on your closed eyelids.
  3. Leave them on for  15 minutes.
  4. use this remedy twice daily for a few weeks.

Body Scrub For Glowing Skin

 Coconut Oil Body Scrub For Glowing Skin

  • ¼ – ½ cup Granulated Sugar
  • ½ cup Coconut Oil
Prepration Time
2 minutes
Time of Treatment 
15 minutes
  1. mix the ingredients until you get a  paste. Do not give heat the oil because this might cause the sugar to melt.
  2. Clean your skin and apply this paste on it.
  3. Use  fingers to gently massage the mixture on your skin, in circular motions, 
  4. After 5-10 minutes  gently massage and exfoliate your body, spending 1-2 minutes on each part.
  5. Wash the mixture off using a   lukewarm water.
How Often!
2-3 times in a week.
How It Works
This scrub is not only cleanse your face but it also an excellent exfoliating agent, helps remove makeup, and moisturize. It is a  budget-friendly and easy-to-prepare and usetreatment that will leave your skin feeling like that of a goddess.

How To Do A Pedicure At Home

Did you know your feet can tell a lot about your personilty? Well-groomed feet are the mark of a proud and confident woman, and the opposite is not. But guess what? You don’t have to spend time and money to get beautiful feet; all you need to do is follow 5 easy steps for a  pedicure at home.

You Will Need
  • A Tub Of Warm Water
  • Bath Salt/Shampoo
  • A Good Foot Scrub
  • Nail clippers
  • Cuticle Pusher
  • Nail File
  • Pumice Stone/Foot File
  • Nail Scrubber
  • Nail Polish Remover
  • Cuticle Cream
  • A Clean Towel
  • Moisturizer
  • Cotton Pads

Steps To The  Pedicure

1. Prep Your Nails

  • Using a nail polish remover, remove the old nail polish with a cotton pad.
  • Then, cut your nails using a nail cutter, but make sure you cut across straight. Don’t cut corners too deep, or you will end up with painful ingrown nails.
  • Decide the shape and style of your nails (square, oval, pointed, or squoval) so that you can file them accordingly.
  • Use a nail filer to shape the nail to the desired shape. Do the filing with enough force to reshape the nail, but be gentle enough not to weaken them. Resist doing the back and forth motion across the tip of the nail, as it will weaken them. Instead, file in a single direction to get the desired shape.

2. Soak Your Feet

  1. This is probably the most relaxing bit of the pedicure. Soaking your feet in warm, fragrant water is a great way to relax and unwind after a stressful day. This is what you need to do –
  1. Fill up some warm water in a tub to cover your ankles. If you want it plain and simple, you can just add shampoo and a few crystals of rock salt into the liquid. But, if you want to go all the way and give yourself that ultimate pedicure, this is what you should do –
  • Add half a cup of Epsom salt to the water. This will soften and soothe inflammations, reduce any kind of pain, and reduce roughness. It also acts as an exfoliator.

  • Add the juice of an entire lemon, and a drop or two of shampoo as well.
  • You can also add a few drops of essential oil if you have any at home. These usually calm the nerves and give your feet the spa treatment they deserve.
  • To turn your home pedicure experience up a notch, you can also add smooth pebbles to give your feet a gentle massage.
  1. Sit comfortably and soak your feet for a good 15-20 minutes. Don’t forget to put on some soothing music while you do this. It will act as a perfect stress buster.
  1. Dry your feet with a towel.

3. Scrub Your Feet

  • Once your feet are dry, massage a little cuticle cream on the base of your toenails. While the cream softens the dead skin, scrub your skin using a pumice stone. You can also use a foot file instead of a pumice stone. This will remove the rough, dry, and dead skin. If you do not remove this from time to time, the skin will harden, causing cracks and infection. Be firm, yet gentle – you want to remove all the skin, but you don’t want to hurt yourself.
  • Once this is done, remove the cuticle cream, and push your cuticles with an angled cuticle pusher. Cuticles are the soft skin at the bottom of your nail where the fingernail cartilage and skin meet. With the help of the cuticle remover cream, remove the cuticles. Never cut your cuticles. This removal of the cuticle helps your nail grow and promotes healthy nails. Make sure you are gentle. Scrub your nails using a nail scrubber. Quickly wipe your feet with a towel.
  • Now, use a scrub to exfoliate your feet. You could use a foot scrub or a face scrub for this. Scrub your heels, soles, and don’t forget the areas between your toes, and the sides of your feet. Scrub your ankles too.
If you don’t have a cuticle cream at home, here is a quick recipe to make one.
  • 3 tbsp olive oil/almond oil
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp glycerin/essential oil (of your choice)
  1. Heat the olive oil in a double boiler, or in the microwave.
  1. Add the coconut oil and the essential oil or glycerin to this.
  1. Your cuticle cream is ready. Allow it to cool and store in a bottle.
If stored well, this could last for a long time.
You can also make a scrub at home. Here is how –
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp oatmeal powder
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  1. Mix the oatmeal and the sugar together.
  1. Add the lemon juice and honey to the oatmeal mixture, and mix well.
  1. Add the olive oil and use.

 4. Moisturize Your Feet

Your feet are now fresh and clean, but you need to moisturize them for that ultimate feeling of rejuvenation. Any heavy moisturizer should do. You can massage your feet, ankles, and calf muscles for about 10 minutes. Once you are happy, you can apply a fresh coat of nail polish on your feet.
You can also use a mixture of almond oil and olive oil to massage your feet post the cleaning process. A teaspoon of each mixed with a few drops of your favorite essential oil serves as a great foot massager. Be generous as you apply it, and massage your feet. Regular massages stimulate your nerve endings and enhance blood circulation, therefore nourishing the skin and invigorating the foot muscles.
If you have cracks on your feet, mix some Vaseline with lime juice and apply it on your heels. Wrap your feet with plastic and wear loose cotton socks. Leave this on overnight to find happy feet the next morning. Do this twice a week, making sure you clean and moisturize your feet every day, and you will soon have gorgeous feet that look like a million bucks.

5. Glam Up Your Nails

Once you are done with all the above steps, you can polish your nails with a nail color of your favorite shade. You may or may not follow this step as it’s optional. You can either apply a normal nail polish or even wear French tips.

For Normal Nail Polish

  • Apply a base coat on your nails first. You can also apply a transparent nail polish as the base coat.
  • Then, apply the shade of your choice and let it dry for some time.
  • Apply another coat over it and once the second coat also dries out, seal it with a top coat. This will enhance the appearance of your nails.

How to Tone Your Hips and Thighs

The lower body is a big trouble spot for many people, especially women. Hips and thighs are where most of the unnecessary fat comes home to rest to make your figure unattractive. Hormones, genetics and an unhealthy lifestyle are the top causes of fat accumulated in these areas.

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar helps breakdown fat and hence prevents the accumulation of body fat. Containing minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium, it also helps flush out toxins and prevent water retention.
What You Should Do: 
  • Mix three parts of unfiltered and raw apple cider vinegar with one part coconut or olive oil.
  • Massage your hips and thighs using it and leave it undisturbed for thirty minutes. Then rinse with water.
  • Follow this remedy twice daily.

Do You Want To Lose Weight?

 Slimming Green Tea And Mint

Green tea contains a catechin called epigallocatechin (EGCG) that aids weight loss by mobilizing fat .
Mint helps to prevent gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, has antioxidant properties, prevents allergies and protects from common cold.
What You Need
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon green tea leaves
  • 5 mint leaves
How To Prepare
  1. Add mint leaves to a cup of water and bring it to a boil.
  2. Let it boil for five more minutes.
  3. Add green tea leaves and let it soak for 5 minutes.
  4. Strain and pour the boiled water into a cup.
  5. Stir before drinking.

Stop Hair Fall With Aloe Vera

Nowadays,  hair loss has become very common due to heavy pollution . You can use Aloe Vera as  effective home remedy to stop hair loss and quick hair growth. Uses of Aloe Vera can effectively reduce scalp problems like,  itching and flaking . The mildly alkaline property of Aloe Vera helps in restoring the natural pH level of the scalp which promotes hair growth. Aloe Vera gel can be effective even for fighting dandruff. Take an Aloe Vera leaf, collect the pulp and apply it to the scalp and hairs. Leave it on for 45 minutes to an hour and wash off the hair with plenty of normal water. Follow this hair loss treatment for 3 – 4 times a week for better results.

Fair Skin in Just 3 Days, Skin Whitening

If you are looking for a remedy that will prevent acne, lighten your skin,  and absorb those extra oils then this is the remedy for you. This homemade rice paste will do so much for your skin. Who knew lightening your skin would be so easy?
Skin Lightening Paste
  • Put the rice flour, tomato pulp, and honey together.
  • Add some  milk to give the mixture a paste like consistency.
  • Apply to the skin and allow it to sit for 30 minutes and then scrub it off. (Do this daily until you reach your desired results.)
  • Enjoy!

Whiteheads and Blackheads Remove At Home

Homemade Remedies to Remove Whiteheads and Blackheads

1. Facial steaming

The steam will help open the pores and is one of the best ways to get rid of whiteheads and blackheads.
  • Boil some water and pour it into a large bowl.
  • You can add a few drops of essential oil: lavender, chamomile, rosemary, lemon.
  • Put a large towel over your head and place your face over the bowl for 5 to 10 minutes to let the steam do its work.
  • If you see that the whiteheads and blackheads have softened after the treatment, you can gently push them out (but don’t press or squeeze hard).
  • Repeat this at least once a week.
Alternatively, soak a towel in warm water, wring it and then place it over your face for a few minutes to achieve a similar effect to steaming.

2. Oatmeal scrub

It’s important to give your face a proper scrub and supply it with some beneficial nutrients. You can make the following scrub at home:
  •  Mix equal parts of raw honey and oatmeal (adjust consistency if you want).
  • Apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Before removing, massage your face gently for a few minutes.
  • Rinse the scrub off using lukewarm water.
You can also use this oatmeal scrub that also contains white clay (also called kaolin clay) which has many benefits including antibacterial and detoxification properties. White clay can be used on a daily basis to help clean the skin and remove dirt from the pores. You can find more facial scrubs suggestions here.

3. Baking soda

Baking soda can be combined with water to create a thick paste. Mix one part water with three parts baking soda to create a baking soda paste. Leave the mask on your face until it dries and then wash it off. This treatment can be very useful after facial steaming. Instead of baking soda, you can also use clay and make a clay mask. Find here more uses for baking soda as a kitchen medicine.

4. Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

This, too, is a good addition to facial steaming. After the steam, apply some ACV on your face and let it dry. Don’t rinse it off. Get all the details on why you should wash your face with ACV including how to use it in my previous article.

5. Egg and honey facial mask

This is another great mask that will make the pores firmer and provide some moisture for your skin.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of organic yogurt, 1 tablespoon of raw honey and 1 egg white.
  • Apply the mixture and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water.
You can find here other great honey masks for various skin conditions.
6. Lemon Juice
Lemons contain Alpha Hydroxy Acid which naturally exfoliates the skin. Mix equal parts of lemon juice, honey and brown sugar (adjust consistency if you want). Then take the mixture and rub it into your face for about 5 minutes. You can leave it on your face for another few minutes. Then rinse off and dry. You can also mix fresh lemon juice with milk or rosewater to create a facial cleanser and use several times a week. Find here more uses of lemon as a medicine.

7. Tea tree Essential Oil

To prevent infections and bacteria from spreading, use tea tree oil. As this is a very potent liquid and might cause a reaction, it’s best to dilute it before applying it on your skin. Dilute it in witch hazel or aloe vera which has additional healing and moisturizing potential in the ratio 1:9. Dab the diluted tea tree oil on the affected skin area using a cotton ball and leave it to dry. Don’t rinse it off.
Tea tree oil is also one of the best home remedies for chest acne and back acne.

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